Why Does My Mouse Disappear Mac Pro & Air [2022 Guide]

Lots of people use the mouse of the computer more than the keyboard and also its shortcuts. We can understand that the mouse cursor will be helpful for people to go anywhere on the display. Also, in some of the cases, lots of people observe that their mouse keeps disappearing on mac which is one of the major issues but people don’t know Why Does My Mouse Disappear Mac and how to fix that and in that case, this guide help those users of Mac.

In such types of irritating conditions, our mouse doesn’t go as if you try to make a click or drag and drop then it will seem like it is working but then the cursor will become invisible and start creating my cursor disappeared which is really bad. So, if your mouse keeps disappearing on mac then you have to simply read this article till the end by which you will be able to understand all the possible methods to fix this issue quickly.

Why Does My Mouse Disappear Mac Pro & Air?

Why Does My Mouse Disappear Mac

Before talking about the solutions of this issue, we have to find out why your mouse cursor is not showing on mac. There are lots of reasons available behind this issue and several times, we have contributed to it. 

  • Mac is Running Low On Memory: It is one of the most common issues and mostly all the programs of your system are running and your mouse cursor is mainly considered as one of the processes by the Mac. So, if you are running low memory or the low system resources because of opening lots of browsers and tabs. So, in this case, there are lots of chances that your mouse keeps disappearing mac reddit. Your system can’t be able to find out about the process which is creating this issue. 
  • A Long Video is Playing: It is also one of the common reasons. When you are watching any of the long videos then the video app will hide all the things which will instruct you. Also, your cursor is one of them and YouTube and VLC are mainly one of the best examples of the video services and apps which will hide the cursor. You just simply have to move your cursor or you have to run your finger on the mouse trackpad to see the cursor of your mouse. 
  • You Use Multiple Monitors: Mostly, all the gamers or the programmer or the video producers and some of the other people will use the multiple monitors to work in a proper manner. Also, it will make your mouse disappear on mac. By using the multiple monitors it is not the issue but the number of monitors will not consume the memory of your mac’s. It is the GPU which is mainly responsible for the issues of montios as your monitors are not arranged properly and the cursor of your mouse will be on the other screen. 
  • A Third-Party App Is Responsible: If the cursor of your mouse is nor appearing at the time of using any of the particular apps then it may be possible that the app is having some bugs in it. You have to simply check out the compatibility of that app and also have to try to update the app. If you still face the issue then you need to contact the app developer. 

How to Fix “Mouse Cursor Not Showing” Error?

Here, under this section we are going to tell you some of the highly possible methods by which you can be able to fix “your mac cursor disappearing” issue. So, simply check out these methods to get rid of this issue. 

Method 1: Contact Siri

As you know that siri is one of your personal assistants and it will mainly help the users as it can. You are required to simply say “Hey Siri” increase the size of the cursor and then Siri allows the users to simply increase the size of their cursor. Under the cursor, Siri will also add a surface slider which they can be able to use to make the size of the cursor larger or smaller. You can simply open the siri by following any of these methods:

  • Keyboard Shortcut: This is highly preferable if you can’t be able to access the cursor of the mouse. You have to simply make a click and hold the command + Space button. After this, Siri will indicate that it is ready to take the command. Also, the other methods are also available which we are going to share below. 
  • From the Dock: You have to simply enter into the mac dock and then you need to click on Siri’s icon. 
  • From Your Touch Bar: You have to find and click on the Siri icon by using the touch bar. Mainly it is available at the right side of the touch bar section. 
  • From Your Menu Bar: You can also be able to get Siri up with the help of the menu bar. You need to make a click on it to simply show the voice assistant. 

Method 2: Go to the Dock or Menu

When we find out that the cursor has disappeared on the mac then the first thing which we have to try is to simply run our fingers on the trackpad or also we have to wiggle our mouse to check out whether it will find the mouse or not. 

One of the best things which you can be able to try is the dock of the system which is mainly available at the end of the screen. Generally, the cursor will appear and it will not appear then you can simply try to move it into the menu bar. When you are sure that it is available there then you have to make a click anywhere. 

Method 3: Try a 4-finger Swipe

If you are using the cursor of your macbook with the help of the mac trackpad or by using any of the other external trackpad then you have to simply swipe from the top to the bottom of the trackpad with the help of your four fingers. Also, your cursor will appear if it is not available. You can also try to make a double-click on the trackpag or on the touchpad with the help of the two fingers. 

Another method is to try to open the widgets menu by simply swiping on the trackpad from left side to right side by using three fingers. Then, you need to wait for twenty seconds and then you again have to swipe from left to get back to the finder window. Also, your cursor will also appear after doing this. 

Method 4: Maneuvering With Mission Control

One of the best methods to get your mouse cursor back is to use the mission control. When you see that the cursor of your macbook is disappearing then you have to try to use the maneuvering with the help of the mission control. You have to enter into the apple menu and then you need to select the option of system preferences and then click on the mission control and after this, you have to select a new hotkey in terms to launch the mission control in a very simple and quick manner. 

After making a click on the hotkey, the mission control will appear and then you make a click on it twice then it will disappear but it will be visible the pointer of your mouse. 

Method 5: Restart Your Mac

It is one of the highly successful methods in terms of fixing mouse issues that keeps disappearing on mac issues. You just simply have to navigate into the apple menu and then you have to restart your macbook. You can also be able to do this with the help of your keyboard or also by using the invisible mouse cursor as well. You have to try to save all the progress and all the apps. When your mac gets shut down completely then you have to simply restart your mac and confirm that the issue gets fixed or still takes place. If the issue still exists then you can try to use another below-given method. 

Method 6: Check for Connection Issues

If you are using the wireless trackpad or the mouse then you have to check that the connection is perfect or creating issues. If the mouse is using the battery then you have to try to replace it or change it in case the battery is rechargeable. If you are working with the mousepad then you need to try to use a solid color in the place of the patterned colors or at the place of the multicolor. Also, your color or the pattern may confuse the mouse. 

If you have enabled the hot corners in the mission control then you have to try to move the invisible mouse into the interactive corner of the display. If you don’t see any of the signs then it may be possible that something is wrong there. If you are connected with the internet then you need to make sure that the connection is very strong. Also, your mac will also show you that your mac is connected with the internet and it will now show you the connection strength. You simply have to install an app such as NetSpot in order to check out the strength of your internet. 

Method 7: Configure Size From System Preferences

We will also try to play with the size of the mouse to check out its working. You can also be able to do this with the help of the system preferences. 

  • First of all, you have to enter into the system preferences and then you have to select the option of accessibility and then click on the display. At last, you have to go to the cursor size and then simply customize the cursor. Also, you can be able to increase the size of the cursor as well. 
  • You can also try to use the zoom feature by simply entering into the system preferences and then click on the accessibility option. At last, you have to make a click on the more options and then simply check out the option to enable temporary zoom. Now, you have to click on Ctrl + Option and then check whether the issue gets fixed or not. 
  • We can also try to turn on the shake to find an option. For this, you have to enter into the system preferences and then make a click on the accessibility option. Now, you have to make a click on the display and then you need to turn on the shake mouse pointer to locate the option. 

Method 8: Reset Your NVRAM

You can also be able to fix mouse keeps disappearing on mac issues by simply resetting your NVRAM. For this, you have to simply follow the steps which we are sharing below. 

  • First of all, you have to shut down your mac completely. 
  • Then, you need to turn on your mac by simply pressing the power button and then you will hear the startup sound. At that time, you need to press and hold the command + option + R + P button until your mac will restart completely. 
  • Now, simply check out that the issue gets fixed or still takes place. 

Method 9: Force Quit All Apps

As i said earlier that several third-party apps may create the mouse keeps disappearing issue into your mac. You can simply try to force-quit such types of apps. Also, at that time, you have to click and hold the command + option Escape button and then you have to select the apps to force quit them and then you have to simply confirm your action. 

Several times, bringing the force quit menu will show out the cursor. You can simply try to switch in between the apps several times, it will work in a great manner. You can use the command + tab button to show the apps switcher window. You have to simply hold the cmd and then make a click on the Tab to simply switch in between the apps and then you have to watch closely that the cursor will appear on not. 

Method 10: Force Restart

It is one of the similar methods which we have shared above in this article. Here you have to click on the command + control + power button together to simply force restart your mac. 

Why Does My Mouse Disappear Mac Pro – Real Cause

There are lots of reasons which will cause your mouse keeps disappearing mac mojave issue. It may be temporary but the factors are some of the video apps or the pointer may also get hidden at the time when your mac is getting the low resources. Your cursor will also get invisible at that time and also some of the other third-party apps will also be the reason behind such types of issues. 

More Discussion on This Issue: Apple

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Final Verdict:

So, hopefully we have discussed about Why Does My Mouse Disappear Mac and mostly all the details about mouse keeps disappearing on mac. We have shared mostly all the possible fixes of my mouse keeps disappearing on mac issues and if this article helps you to get rid of this problem then do share this article with other people so that they also get benefited with this article. Also, if you have any issue or query related to this mouse arrow keeps disappearing on mac articles then feel free to connect with us by simply using the below-given comment section.

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