How to Delete Podcasts from iPhone – Podcasts are breathtaking, instructive, engaging ways of relaxing, yet they can likewise take up a ton of extra storage on your iPhone. On the off chance that you really want to let free up space, one of the principal activities is to delete Podcasts from your iPhone.
Reminder: This article covers the Mac Webcasts application that comes installed on the iPhone, iPod contact, and iPad. It was composed utilizing iOS 13, however, the fundamental ideas likewise apply to iOS 11 and iOS 12.
How to Delete Podcasts from iPhone?

In the event that you haven’t paid attention to every one of the episodes of a Podcast you have downloaded, you can eliminate the ones you’ve paid attention to without losing the others.
To delete a Podcast from your iPhone, follow these steps:
- Click on the Podcast application to open it.
- Search for the Podcast episode you need to delete by going to either the Listen Now button or the Library button.
- A short swipe from right to left across the episode you need to delete and click on Delete. On the other hand, swipe as far as possible across the screen to delete the episode immediately.
Note: This possibly saves space assuming that you delete the Podcast you have previously downloaded. Podcasts with the download image (the cloud with a down arrow in it) close to them are accessible, however, haven’t been downloaded. Deleting them will not save space.
The Most Effective Method to Delete a Whole Podcast Series From iPhone
Is there a Podcast you used to like, but, don’t pay attention to any longer? Need to delete the whole Podcast from your iPhone, including all episodes you’ve downloaded? How it’s done:
- With the opening of the Podcasts application, click on Library and find the Podcast you need to delete.
- Click on the symbol close to an episode of the Podcast.
- Click on Delete from Library.
- In the spring-up, click on Delete from Library.
Stepwise Instructions to Automatically Delete Played Podcasts From iPhone
You can set your Podcasts application to save space by naturally deleting Podcasts episodes after you listen to them. This is an extraordinary method for saving space yet partake in your desired shows. How it’s done:
- To open it, you need to click on the Settings application.
- Click on Podcasts.
- Toggle the Delete Played Episodes slider to on/green.
Tip: Utilizing these means applying the delete played-episodes setting to each podcast you subscribe into. If you have any desire to have it apply just to some Podcasts, send off the Podcasts application, then, at that point, click on Library > the icon > Settings.
How Would You Delete the Apple Podcast Library?
The most effective method to Delete All Your Downloaded podcasts – iOS and Android:
- You need to Delete Individual Episodes.
- You have to open the Podcasts Application.
- Click on ‘Library. ‘
- Click on ‘Downloaded Episodes. ‘
- Long-press the episode you might want to delete.
- Click on ‘Remove’.
- Click on ‘Remove Download’.
How Would You Delete or Unsubscribe Podcasts from iPhone?
The most effective method to cancel your membership:
- You need to open Settings on your iPhone or iPad.
- Click on your name at the top.
- Select Subscriptions.
- Look to a podcast in the listing and c.lick on that
- Choose Cancel Subscription.
Step-by-Step Instructions to Stop Automatic Podcast Downloads on iPhone
At the point when you initially subscribed to a Podcast on your iPhone, you might have set the webcast to download new episodes automatically. In the event that you haven’t paid attention to those episodes, you could have a colossal overabundance of Podcasts occupying the storage space on your mobile.
To prevent Podcasts from consequently downloading to your iPhone, follow these means:
- Click on the Podcasts application to open it.
- Click on Library.
- Click on an episode of the Podcasts you need to stop from naturally downloading episodes.
- Click on More (three dabs).
- Click on Settings.
- In the Custom segment, click on Download Episodes.
- Click on the Off option.
Tip: One more effective method for lessening the space your podcasts take up is to restrict the number of episodes from any one podcast series that are downloaded to your mobile.
To do this, send off the Webcasts application, then, at that point, Click on Library > the … symbol > Settings > Limit Episodes. From that point, pick the number of episodes or date range you need.
How Does Auto Download Episodes of Podcasts?
- On your iPhone or iPad, you need to open Google Podcasts.
- At the base, click on Home.
- At the upper right, click on your Profile picture or start and afterward Podcasts settings.
- You have to click on Auto-download under “Downloads”.
- You need to select your preferences under “Global settings”.
- You can auto-download New episodes from your memberships now.
- Just when on WiFi.
- Episodes in your list.
- Under “Your subscriptions,” turn on the podcasts you need to auto-download.
How Do Set a Sleep Timer?
To keep your place while you stand by listening to an episode, you can set a sleep timer by following the steps:
- While you listen to a podcast, at the base, click on the episode.
- Look to the base, then, at that point, click on Sleep.
- Now, you can set a timer or click on End of this episode.
- Click on Start.
How Do Change When Downloads are Removed?
Google Podcasts removes downloaded episodes by default:
To change these settings:
- On your iPhone or iPad, you need to open the Google Podcasts application Google Podcasts.
- At the base, click on Home.
- At the upper right, click on your Profile picture or begin and afterward Podcasts settings.
- For finished episodes, click on Remove finished episodes and select a time period.
- For incomplete episodes, click on Eliminate incomplete episodes and select a time period.
How to Keep iPhone Off from Automatically downloading new podcast episodes.
- You need to open the podcast application.
- You have to Go to the name of a podcast on the My podcasts view.
- Go to the gear symbol to see its settings.
- Click on “Download Episodes” under “On This iPhone”.
- Choose “Off”.
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Final Verdict:
We are trying to cover all the topics related to the topic of How to Delete Podcasts from iPhone in our above in-depth guide.
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