Drag and Drop Not Working Mac? Try These steps!

Drag and drop is a common gesture offered by many operating systems. It enables the user to drag any item like files, folders, or any other graphic item to any different location. The drag and drop feature is performed using several actions. But what is, Drag and drop not working mac? That time, you can follow iPhoneHunt.com in-depth guide, and you can fix the drag & drop issue on Mac.

Drag and Drop Not Working Mac? Here’s What You Can Do

Drag and Drop Not Working Mac

The basic actions are:

  • Place the cursor over the object.
  • Hold the object using a mouse button.
  • Drag the object to any desired location.
  • Release the mouse button.

Dragging is a feature that requires physical effort by holding the mouse button and moving the object. Along these lines, a client cannot move as fast. Be that as it may, drag and drop tasks have the benefit of insightfully piecing together two operands into a single activity.

The utilization of the dragging and dropping feature in Mac OS is more rather than in windows. But in some cases, now and then it happens to be troublesome.

Drag and drop is a fundamental component on the Mac that is utilized much of the time for associations in the Mac OS Finder and all through different applications, so clearly if this inbuilt feature quits working apparently out of nowhere, you’ll need to determine that decently fast. While this is a fairly uncommon issue, a disappointment of drawing and dropping abilities happens regularly enough that we get inquiries concerning it, and it’s accordingly worth covering. You’ll see that if you can’t move by any means, investigating the issue is similar whether or not you utilize a trackpad or mouse with a Mac, so read on to determine the issue.

Why Can’t I Drag and Drop on My Mac – How to Fix it?

Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Go for the hardware!

Before we begin with any of the product-based investigating tips, verify whether there is any material, dirt on the outside of the trackpad, or in the following surface of the mouse, and in the buttons. In the event that there is, clear that off first, as actual blocks can cause bizarre conduct with input interfaces. If you’ve done that and you’re sure it’s not the reason for inefficiency to relocate, continue with the tips underneath.

  • Turn on/off Bluetooth

In the event that the Mac Trackpad or Mac Mouse is Bluetooth, attempt essentially turning Bluetooth off, and turning it back on again.

A simple method to kill and on Bluetooth is through the Bluetooth menubar thing close to the upper right corner of the Mac show. You can likewise flip Bluetooth off and back on again from the Bluetooth inclination board inside System Preferences, available from the  Apple menu.

Now and then just flipping Bluetooth now and again settle peculiar issues including a disappointment of drag and drop to work. You will likewise need to ensure the batteries or battery of the Bluetooth mouse or trackpad is charged and they are working, if the battery is low you may see strange conduct like some mouse and cursor action not functioning truly to form.

Still facing issues regarding the drag and drop feature in Mac OS then try these tips listed below:

  • Mac Forcestart Finder
  • Rebooting
  • Delete Finder Setting Files and Reboot
  • Disable Force Click and Haptic Feedback for Trackpads
  • Mac Forcestart Finder

Unable to drag and drop files and folders?

The simplest solution is to restart the macOS file manager.

  • Hold the Option key.
  • Right-click on the Finder icon in the Dock.
  • In the context menu, select Relaunch.

Try it out. It should work fine but if it doesn’t then we have a few more solutions.

  • Rebooting

Rebooting frequently attempts to solve the drag and drop issues while restarting the Finder has been ineffective. This is especially evident in case you’re one of us who essentially never reboots their Mac.

  • Go to Apple Menu > Restart.

After rebooting is done, check if drag and drop work for the purpose you need. If it works well and well, if not then don’t worry we are not finished it. We have got you covered by having another solution.

  • Delete Finder Setting Files and Reboot

If you have already implemented the above methods and you are still at square one. We have one more solution for you.

For this situation, it is sufficient to erase them and restart the Mac, so that new records show up on the site of the erased documents without wrong information. This can be done by:

  • Go to Mac OS Finder, press Shift + Command + G, in the appeared window enter the path ~Library/Preferences/ and press enter.
  • Go to the Preferences folder, find and select the following files:






Now again try using the drag and drop feature it should work fine.

Note: Remember that in the event if you delete preference files you will lose any customizations you had set for those devices, so in this case, you may lose customization to tracking speed, force touch, mouse clicks, and whatever else you adjusted for a mouse or trackpad.

  • Disable Force Click and Haptic Feedback for Trackpads

Last but not least we have one more solution for you.

On the off chance that you utilize a trackpad on a Mac PC, a few clients have discovered the power click and haptic criticism system meddles with the drag and drop facility of Mac OS, especially with certain applications.

  1. Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences.
  2. Choose “Trackpad
  3. Uncheck the setting for “Force Click and haptic feedback“.

There is a frequent issue in haptic feedback/force click with the drag and drop feature you will experience a delayed double click and the item is then unselected or the action stops.

No matter how petty is the issue when a problem like this crops up, it can eat hours of your life. We hope we were able to help you and that these solutions solve your problem.

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